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Image of BWMA Client: Maria R from Indianapolis, IN
Maria Hilda R from Indianapolis, IN
John C. From Memphis, TN
Eunice G. from Surry, VA

Other Biweekly Programs Just Can't Compare

Feature Biweekly Mortgage Association Other Biweekies
Start-up fees? No Cash Upfront Out Of Pocket Costs to You! You must pay $395.00 (or more) to get things rolling … Ouch!
How quickly are the extra payments applied to your loan principal? Every month so you can watch your principal balance drop quickly before your very eyes! Up to 1 year before an extra payment is made.
Do you provide future wealth planning reports including total equity? Yes, we provide on-going reports upon request or you may use our online calculator found on our client service website. No, our service after the sale is one of the reasons our clients trust BWMA and refer others to us!
Do you offer a guarantee? Yes, it is called the BWMA Confidence Guarantee Unknown – most likely none
Flexible Choice of Weekly, Semimonthly, or Monthly debiting in addition to choice of Biweekly debits on any work day of the week? Yes, we fit the payment schedule to your budgeting and timing requirements while still providing the same savings and benefits! No, our competitors force you into a biweekly option ONLY…Which can be like putting a square peg in a round hole!
May I transfer the plan to anyone who buys our house? Yes! – BWMA plans are fully transferrable … providing an attractive option to potential home buyers that can help you sell at full price! No! Our competitors will not let you transfer your biweekly mortgage savings plan to your buyer… potentially costing you thousands when you sell!

Click Here to Calculate Your Savings and Future Wealth

or Call 1-800-248-8840 and Start Saving Today!